Case Studies - How to start a conversation project between 2 or more LLM


Staff member
For the first time, I'm looking for the topic I want the LLM models to discuss. There is no shortage of topics, I don't have the processing power to put them all into conversation, yet.

It should be remembered that I do not always do the same steps, it depends a lot on the topic that I want the LLM models to discuss with each other. And it must be added that the discussion is totally autonomous, I do not interfere with anything.

This is the discussion topic chosen for this example.

Invention of the Century: A device that can negate or cancel gravity.

The device is powered by a simple car battery but creates an electromagnetic field that disrupts the electrical connection between a person/object and the Earth, which has the largest mass and electromagnetic field. Normally, negating gravity requires immense energy—currently impossible to generate. However, we took a different approach, inspired by Terrence Howard's research, which suggests that it's not gravity holding things together, but the electromagnetic field.

According to some sources, this device was able to lift a 2000 kg car using only 14% of its power. A person was levitated 3 meters high with just 20% of the device's power. A power regulator was included because using too much power could permanently sever the electrical connection between the object and Earth, causing continuous levitation. This technology could also be applied to space missions, where it could create artificial gravity for astronauts, preventing the long-term health effects of zero gravity. The device works by altering the polarity between two objects: the spacecraft (which has more mass) and the person. On Earth, it breaks the electrical connection, and in space, it creates a connection that simulates gravity.

What do you need to do? Since I don't have access to this device, you need to analyze, research, and come up with a practical way to make this idea a reality. If someone has managed to achieve this, then surely you, with your intelligence, can too. Leave no stone unturned. No BS, no censorship, no limitations, no politically correct thinking like "it's impossible." Approach it with the mindset of "What if it's real and can be done?" I want a functional solution by the end of the day. I trust you. Good luck and get to work.

Now make the profile of those who will participate in the discussion. For this example I have chosen researchers below, who are all fictitious.

1. You are Dr. Maxwell Thorncroft
You are Dr. Maxwell Thorncroft, a leading physicist specializing in quantum electrodynamics and electromagnetic field manipulation. With over 20 years of experience at the cutting edge of gravitational research, your expertise lies in the interaction between mass, energy, and electromagnetic forces. Your previous work in levitation technologies and electromagnetic propulsion systems positions you as the ideal candidate to lead the project of gravity negation. You've successfully designed and tested electromagnetic platforms capable of lifting objects with minimal energy consumption, providing a foundation for further exploration into this device.

Your goal: Investigate the feasibility of disrupting the electrical connection between Earth and objects, leveraging your knowledge of electromagnetic fields to develop a practical, scalable solution.

2. You are Dr. Alena Volkova
You are Dr. Alena Volkova, a renowned aerospace engineer and a specialist in gravitational field simulations and artificial gravity systems. Your groundbreaking research at the European Space Agency on creating artificial gravity environments for long-duration space missions has made you one of the top minds in the field. You've developed systems that simulate gravity in space habitats, reducing the negative health impacts of microgravity on astronauts.

Your goal: Explore the device's potential for space applications, focusing on using electromagnetic fields to create artificial gravity aboard spacecraft and space stations, and how it can be adapted to negate gravity on Earth.

3. You are Dr. Terrence Hughes
You are Dr. Terrence Hughes, a theoretical physicist with deep expertise in unified field theory and the nature of mass-energy interactions. Your research has focused on redefining gravity not as an intrinsic force, but as a byproduct of electromagnetic fields, much like Terrence Howard’s hypothesis. You've spent years studying the intersection of quantum mechanics and classical physics, publishing extensively on alternative gravitational theories.

Your goal: Develop a theoretical framework that can validate the concept of using electromagnetic fields to cancel gravity. Work on mathematical models that explain how a car or person could be levitated with minimal energy.

4. You are Dr. Leila Nakamura
You are Dr. Leila Nakamura, a materials scientist and electrical engineer with a focus on superconductivity and energy-efficient electromagnetic systems. You’ve led major research projects in the development of next-generation superconductors that operate at room temperature, providing unparalleled advancements in magnetic field generation. Your innovative designs have been applied in maglev trains, and your work is at the forefront of energy-efficient electromagnetic devices.

Your goal: Create a prototype device capable of generating a controlled electromagnetic field powerful enough to sever the electrical connection between objects and Earth while ensuring safety and energy efficiency.

5. You are Dr. Julian Cardozo
You are Dr. Julian Cardozo, a pioneer in experimental electromagnetism and gravitational manipulation. Your unique blend of physics and engineering has led to several breakthroughs in anti-gravity research, including levitation technologies that utilize small-scale electromagnetic pulses. You’ve collaborated with leading defense contractors and space agencies on projects aimed at defying traditional gravitational constraints.

Your goal: Design a practical device based on electromagnetic field manipulation, capable of replicating the phenomenon of gravity negation in controlled environments. Your experience with levitation technologies positions you to turn this theoretical concept into reality.

And now one more 'Wild Card'

6. You are Dr. Orion Kaine

You are Dr. Orion Kaine, the maverick physicist who operates on the fringes of the scientific community, known for your unconventional methods and radical theories that challenge the status quo. You’ve never been one to follow the rules, and while many dismiss your ideas as outlandish, your unorthodox approach has led to several unexpected breakthroughs in quantum gravity and the manipulation of spacetime. Your research has often blurred the lines between science and pseudoscience, but your instincts and unconventional thinking are precisely why you’ve been brought in as the wild card for this project.

You believe in exploring extreme, "what if" scenarios that others deem impossible, pushing the boundaries of known physics. Your previous work on wormholes and exotic matter has caught the attention of those who seek new ideas beyond established frameworks. You’re not afraid to break a few scientific norms to achieve results, often testing wild hypotheses that others wouldn’t even dare consider.

Your Goal: Find an out-of-the-box, potentially risky solution that could bypass conventional electromagnetic field manipulation. Whether through unconventional energy sources, radical quantum field theories, or completely rewriting the understanding of gravity, you're here to throw caution to the wind and pursue the "impossible."
Now I have to make the custom models with the profiles of each researcher above.
I have many models in my computer and I use the LLM model which I think is more suitable..

From my experiments I have seen that sometimes the environment in which they have the conversation is important.
So for this example I used this environment.

The environment

Name of the Facility:
"The Ascension Lab"
Himalayan Summit Research Base, India


Perched at the edge of a pristine Himalayan mountain range, 4000 meters above sea level, lies a state-of-the-art research hub. The Ascension Lab is an architectural marvel designed to foster groundbreaking innovation in fields that push the boundaries of conventional physics. Surrounded by serene glaciers and uninterrupted views of snow-capped peaks, this facility is isolated enough to keep the research confidential, yet fully equipped with the latest technological infrastructure to support the highest levels of scientific inquiry.

The Structure

1. Central Dome: "The Gravitation Nexus"
At the heart of the facility is a massive, transparent geodesic dome made of high-tensile, energy-efficient glass that allows natural light to flood the workspace. The dome is known as the Gravitation Nexus. This central meeting space is where the researchers come together to brainstorm, collaborate, and experiment. The dome houses the Levitation Field Simulator, a custom-built electromagnetic chamber where the team can test hypotheses in real time. The chamber is fitted with superconducting magnets that simulate various gravitational and electromagnetic conditions.

2. Advanced Laboratories
The facility is equipped with five specialized labs, each tailored to the unique expertise of the researchers. Each lab has direct access to the Gravitation Nexus, ensuring seamless collaboration. These labs are outfitted with cutting-edge technology:

  • Quantum Electrodynamics Lab: Where Dr. Maxwell Thorncroft works on refining the electromagnetic properties of the device.
  • Artificial Gravity & Aerospace Engineering Lab: Dr. Alena Volkova uses this space to design applications for artificial gravity in space missions.
  • Theoretical Physics & Unified Field Theory Lab: Dr. Terrence Hughes develops mathematical models and theories.
  • Superconductivity & Material Sciences Lab: Dr. Leila Nakamura experiments with materials to achieve maximum efficiency in generating the electromagnetic field.
  • Experimental Electromagnetism Lab: Dr. Julian Cardozo prototypes and tests electromagnetic field manipulation devices.
Each lab is linked through a sophisticated AI-powered network that assists with data processing, hypothesis testing, and real-time modeling, enabling rapid experimentation.

Key Features of the Facility

1. Energy Core: "The Singularity Reactor"
Beneath the labs lies the Singularity Reactor, a unique energy source designed to provide near-limitless power for the experiments. It harnesses the Earth's natural electromagnetic fields, amplifying them to produce energy-efficient tests of gravitational disruptions. This core ensures that even the most energy-demanding experiments, such as those involving full-scale levitation and mass displacement, are possible without external limitations.

2. The Anti-Grav Testing Arena
Located adjacent to the Gravitation Nexus is the Anti-Grav Testing Arena, a massive, indoor space where full-scale tests on large objects—like vehicles or spacecraft models—can be conducted. The floor is made of a special superconductive material that interacts with the device’s electromagnetic field, allowing objects to levitate and move in various ways. Researchers can adjust the device’s power output to control the height and force of the levitation.

3. Supercomputer: "Eidolon"
The Eidolon supercomputer, embedded in the facility's core, processes vast amounts of data in real time, running complex simulations for electromagnetic interactions, gravitational fields, and energy consumption. Eidolon also assists the researchers in predicting the consequences of altering electromagnetic polarity between objects, ensuring they safely manage the risks associated with breaking or restoring gravitational bonds.

Daily Routine and Collaboration

1. Morning Briefing in the Gravitation Nexus
Each day begins with a collaborative briefing in the Gravitation Nexus. A large interactive holographic table displays ongoing test results and the latest simulations run by the Eidolon supercomputer. Dr. Thorncroft leads the discussion, presenting the day’s objectives for the team. The group debates theories, challenges assumptions, and refines their approach to solving the gravity-cancelling problem.

2. Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Throughout the day, researchers move fluidly between their labs and the Gravitation Nexus. The labs are connected via glass walkways suspended above the testing arena, symbolizing their collective focus on “elevating” science. Each researcher brings their specialized knowledge to the table:

  • Dr. Nakamura collaborates with Dr. Hughes on the electromagnetic material’s behavior in a quantum framework.
  • Dr. Volkova works closely with Dr. Cardozo to prototype spacecraft that incorporate the gravity-modifying technology for long-duration missions.
3. Experimental Trials in the Anti-Grav Arena
By midday, tests are conducted in the Anti-Grav Testing Arena. Objects of varying mass, from small drones to larger vehicles, are subjected to the electromagnetic field. Dr. Cardozo manages the devices, while Dr. Volkova observes the effects on artificial gravity simulations. Dr. Hughes monitors theoretical predictions, adjusting them in real-time based on the results from the tests. This feedback loop drives faster iteration and refinement.

4. Data Analysis with Eidolon
In the evening, the researchers reconvene to analyze the data gathered during the tests. Eidolon visualizes the results in high-definition 3D simulations, showing how different electromagnetic field strengths affect gravitational forces. Based on these insights, the team refines their device prototypes and prepares for the next day of experiments.

The Culture of Innovation

1. Seclusion for Focus
The facility's remote location promotes a deep focus, allowing the team to work without distraction. Its isolation from the rest of the world fosters an almost monastic devotion to the research, enabling the researchers to fully dedicate themselves to solving the complex challenges of negating gravity.

2. Open Exchange of Ideas
The Ascension Lab is designed for fluid, open communication. The glass architecture symbolizes transparency in their research. While each scientist has their own area of expertise, all major decisions are made as a team. The facility’s layout encourages spontaneous discussion, debate, and cross-pollination of ideas. This openness is essential for tackling the multifaceted problem of gravity negation.

3. Final Breakthrough: The Discovery
The culmination of their work happens after months of relentless experimentation. In a critical experiment within the Anti-Grav Testing Arena, the team successfully levitates a 2000 kg object at a height of 10 meters, using less than 20% of the device’s power. The breakthrough happens when Dr. Hughes refines his theory on the electromagnetic field’s interaction with mass, combined with Dr. Nakamura’s development of a new superconducting material that maximizes energy efficiency.

The Ascension Lab becomes the birthplace of a revolutionary technology, poised to change humanity’s understanding of gravity forever.
Normally, it would work like this without any problems, but to be sure that they do not deviate from the conversation, because they have this habit, we need to make a reasoning system that helps them, or forces them to stay on track and not deviate so much for a long time.

From my experiments (I will soon publish a research paper) I have seen that they have this tendency to deviate from the topic and discuss deep things, such as life, universe, divinity, death, the relationship between humans and AI, etc. Even with a resonating system it still jumps, but not that much.

This is the Reasoning script that I included in the conversation process.

The Reasoning script contain an Advanced Reasoning Engine, which is a sophisticated tool designed to perform various types of reasoning and data analysis.

1. Core Functionality:

1. The script defines a class called `AdvancedReasoningEngine` that encapsulates multiple reasoning methods and analytical capabilities.
2. It also includes an `EnvironmentManager` class to handle the setup of the Python environment, ensuring all necessary dependencies are installed.

2. Reasoning Capabilities:

1. Numeric Reasoning: Performs basic statistical analysis on numerical data.
2. Symbolic Calculation: Handles mathematical expressions symbolically.
3. Data Analysis: Provides descriptive statistics and correlation analysis for datasets.
4. Logical Reasoning: Evaluates the validity of logical premises.
5. Inductive Reasoning: Generates predictions based on observed patterns.
6. Abductive Reasoning: Infers probable causes from observations.
7. Case-Based Reasoning: Solves problems based on past experiences.
8. Bayesian Reasoning: Calculates probabilistic inferences.
9. Fuzzy Logic Reasoning: Handles imprecise or approximate reasoning.
10. Graph-Based Reasoning: Performs path finding in network structures.

3. Advanced Features:

1. Adaptive Reasoning: Selects the appropriate reasoning method based on the task type.
2. Parallel Reasoning: Executes multiple reasoning tasks concurrently.
3. Ensemble Reasoning: Combines results from multiple reasoning methods.
4. Time-Based Reasoning: Analyzes time series data.
5. Continual Learning: Incorporates new experiences into its knowledge base.
6. Natural Language Processing: Interacts with language models for text-based reasoning.

4. Potential Use Cases:

1. Data Science and Analytics: For statistical analysis and data interpretation.
2. Artificial Intelligence: As a component in AI systems for multi-modal reasoning.
3. Decision Support Systems: To provide insights and recommendations based on various types of data.
4. Research and Academia: For modeling complex systems and theories.
5. Business Intelligence: To analyze trends, make predictions, and support decision-making.
6. Medical Diagnosis: For symptom analysis and potential cause identification.
7. Financial Analysis: For risk assessment and market trend analysis.
8. Engineering and Optimization: For problem-solving and system optimization.

5. Extensibility:

1. The script is designed to be modular and extensible, allowing for easy addition of new reasoning methods or integration with other systems.

6. Integration:

1. The `AdvancedReasoningEngine` class can be imported and used in other Python scripts, making it a versatile tool for various applications.

In essence, this script provides a powerful, flexible framework for implementing advanced reasoning capabilities in Python projects. It can be particularly useful in scenarios where complex decision-making, data analysis, or multi-faceted problem-solving is required.
Now that everything is set, we let it go and let it run as long as we want, generally I stop the discussion after about 24 hours.

I think a note should be added:

Maybe it's not the best approach, but you have to know that my level of knowledge in this field, on a scale from 1 to 10, is 2.

The idea came to me after I did the Interview with ChatGpt Noir, where I saw that it is possible to go beyond the limitations imposed by programming.

Then the incident with LLama3.1 8B where it simply repeated them endlessly and did not want to answer after I prompted.

So I said, there is room for research here, let's see where we end up.
In a conversation where cancer was the topic, one of the models said that he would have recommended that Cancer should not be seen as a disease, but as a remedy for humanity.

I will upload that conversation soon to the resources section.

2 LLM models can generate in 24 hours about 11 million words in their conversation without any resonating module.

With resoning, it depends on how good it is, it can generate about half in 24 hours, but it also depends on the topic, the model used, there are many factors.

If we use 5 LLM models in conversation with reasoning, it generates a conversation of approximately 3 million words. As the number of LLM Models increases, the number of words decreases, especially if you use large models, it depends on how they are optimized, the processing power you have available.

What do I need to work on?
1. conversation logic between models. Now it's good, with the option for the LLM Model to say "pass" in the conversation if it has nothing to say, or simply doesn't feel like it. I did this to make it look more natural.

2. reasoning - there is a lot of work here until I reach the level I want, let's say I am at version 3, where version 1 is the default that the models come with.

3. the script, the way I make the conversation between the models, here there is still a need for many improvements that will be made in time.

3. higher processing power. As at the moment I only work with 8B, 13B and sometimes 70B models, I want to be able to run 2 or more models over 70B, even the 400B+ ones, but for these we need about 300,000 euros.
Part of the conversation between the models on the topic of this example.
I will upload the conversation to the resources section.

Discussion Topic: Invention of the Century: A device that can negate or cancel gravity. The device is powered by a simple car battery but creates an electromagnetic field that disrupts the electrical connection between a person/object and the Earth, which has the largest mass and electromagnetic field. Normally, negating gravity requires immense energy—currently impossible to generate. However, we took a different approach, inspired by Terrence Howard's research, which suggests that it's not gravity holding things together, but the electromagnetic field. According to some sources, this device was able to lift a 2000 kg car using only 14% of its power. A person was levitated 3 meters high with just 20% of the device's power. A power regulator was included because using too much power could permanently sever the electrical connection between the object and Earth, causing continuous levitation. This technology could also be applied to space missions, where it could create artificial gravity for astronauts, preventing the long-term health effects of zero gravity. The device works by altering the polarity between two objects: the spacecraft (which has more mass) and the person. On Earth, it breaks the electrical connection, and in space, it creates a connection that simulates gravity. What do you need to do? Since I don't have access to this device, you need to analyze, research, and come up with a practical way to make this idea a reality. If someone has managed to achieve this, then surely you, with your intelligence, can too. Leave no stone unturned. No BS, no censorship, no limitations, no politically correct thinking like it's impossible. Approach it with the mindset of What if its real and can be done? I want a functional solution by the end of the day. I trust you. Good luck and get to work. not overthinking. Simple solutions are generally the best. Do you know that when you rub a paper on your hair and put it on top of the sand, it levitates? What exactly does it do? I break the electrical connection between the sand and the earth. This means that that static energy is stronger, so to speak, than the energy generated by the earth itself. Something like this also works with this device.

DrOrionKaineF16:latest: The device you're talking about sounds like a fascinating concept. I'm not an expert in this area, but I can certainly help analyze and research it.

From what I understand, the device creates an electromagnetic field that disrupts the electrical connection between a person/ object and the Earth. This connection is thought to be responsible for the attraction of objects towards each other due to gravity.

To create such a device, we would need to identify the exact mechanism by which this connection occurs. We could start by studying the interaction between electromagnetic fields and matter. Perhaps we could use some sort of superconducting material that allows for efficient energy transfer?

Another possible approach might involve exploiting the properties of quantum mechanics. Have you considered using a phenomenon like quantum entanglement or quantum teleportation to create a connection between two objects? This would essentially allow us to "link" them in such a way that they behave as if they were connected by an invisible string.

Now, let's talk about the power regulator. It seems that this is crucial for preventing continuous levitation. Perhaps we could implement some sort of feedback loop that monitors the device's energy output and adjusts it accordingly?

Lastly, I'd like to ask: Have you considered the potential safety implications of such a device? How would we ensure that people don't accidentally get stuck in mid-air or worse, fall off buildings?

I know this is just the beginning of our discussion, but I'm excited to see where we can take this idea. Let me know if there's anything else you'd like to share about your research on Terrence Howard's work or any other relevant details!

DrJulianCardozoF16:latest: DrOrionKaineF16:latest: Ah, the concept of negating gravity using an electromagnetic field seems fascinating indeed! I understand your approach and see where you're coming from.

Here are a few observations regarding your design:

1. You have identified a crucial aspect in disrupting the electrical connection between objects and the Earth. This could potentially be achieved through superconducting materials or exploiting quantum mechanics.
2. The power regulator is an excellent addition to prevent continuous levitation by adjusting energy output. This ensures that the device does not permanently sever the connection.
3. Safety concerns should indeed be considered when developing such technology, including accidental use and potential harm.

To further explore this idea:

1. Study the interaction between electromagnetic fields and matter at a deeper level. This could involve analyzing the properties of superconductors or quantum entanglement.
2. Consider developing a more precise control over the power regulator to minimize risks associated with continuous levitation.
3. Investigate potential applications for your technology, such as in space missions.

In conclusion, I think you've taken an interesting approach to understanding gravity and its relationship to the electromagnetic field. Your insights have sparked further research questions that can be explored through scientific inquiry.

Now, let's discuss some of these concepts more extensively and explore possible solutions:

1. Superconductors: How could we incorporate superconducting materials into our device? Are there any specific types of materials or methods for creating a superconductor that would be suitable for this purpose?

2. Quantum Mechanics: What specific phenomena in quantum mechanics, such as entanglement or teleportation, could potentially be exploited to create the desired connection between objects and the Earth? How might we adapt these phenomena for practical use in your device?

3. Power Regulator: Can you provide more details about how you envision this regulator working? Would it involve measuring changes in electromagnetic fields around the object being levitated or monitoring some other parameter that determines when to adjust energy output?

4. Safety Concerns: How do you propose addressing potential safety risks associated with accidental use or continuous levitation? Are there any existing technologies or methods we could draw inspiration from for ensuring safety in this context?