Forum Guidelines

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Staff member
Welcome to our LLM Research community! To keep this space productive and enjoyable for everyone, please take a moment to read through these guidelines.

1. Be Respectful and Professional

  • Treat everyone with respect. Harassment, discrimination, or personal attacks won't be tolerated.
  • Maintain a professional tone in your posts and interactions.
2. Stay On Topic

  • Keep discussions relevant to LLM Research and related topics.
  • Post in the appropriate categories to help others find and engage with your content.
3. No Spam or Self-Promotion

  • Avoid posting spam, advertisements, or irrelevant links.
  • Self-promotion is allowed only if it provides genuine value and is shared in the appropriate sections.
4. Share Valuable Content

  • Contribute meaningful and high-quality content.
  • When sharing research, tools, or resources, make sure they're relevant and beneficial to others.
5. Cite Sources Appropriately

  • Give credit where it's due. When referencing external work or research, cite the original source.
  • Plagiarism isn't acceptable. Always present original work or properly attributed content.
6. Respect Privacy

  • Don't share personal information about yourself or others without consent.
  • Keep private messages confidential unless all parties agree to share.
7. No Unauthorized Distribution

  • Don't share or distribute premium or VIP content without permission.
  • Respect the intellectual property rights of others, including proprietary research and documents.
8. Use Clear and Concise Language

  • Write clearly to ensure effective communication.
  • If using technical terms or jargon, consider providing explanations for those who might be unfamiliar.
9. Report Issues

  • If you encounter any problems or notice violations of these guidelines, please report them to me or the moderation team.
  • We're here to help maintain a positive environment.
10. Follow the Law

  • Illegal activities or discussions promoting such activities are strictly prohibited.
  • Ensure all content complies with applicable laws and regulations.
11. Moderation Policies

  • I reserve the right to edit, move, or remove content that violates these guidelines.
  • Users who repeatedly violate guidelines may face warnings, temporary suspension, or permanent banning.
12. Engage and Collaborate

  • Participate actively and help foster a collaborative atmosphere.
  • Share your insights, ask questions, and support fellow community members.
13. Feedback is Welcome

  • If you have suggestions to improve the forum or these guidelines, feel free to share.
  • Your input helps make this community better for everyone.

By following these guidelines, we'll create a welcoming and productive space for everyone interested in LLM Research. Let's work together to explore and innovate in the world of local LLM models!
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